Waiting for that break!

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

one chance

How many of us are waiting for that one break in our life that will change everything? Whether it be the singer who’s voice has just been spotted by Madonna, that blogger who believes someday the Wall Street Journal will hire them as a columnist, or that guy down the street who just bought the winning lottery ticket we will wait for that once in a lifetime opportunity.  Some of us will work hour and hour after to perfect that talent for this one chance while some of us will just hand a dollar to the lottery attendant.

Yet what happens if that big break doesn’t occur? How do we deal with the disappointment and pain?  Many will down and not have the ability to get up but there is a way to recovery (see below) that will enable to hold onto the dream but still live in today’s reality.

(1) Set small easy to reach dreams that can build to something bigger. If you wanted that luxury car maybe start out with a hubcap. If you wanted to be a professional singer sing with a local band.

(2) Take a moment to congratulate yourself on this step.

(3) Build to the next baby step and keep the process going as far as you can.

(4) If you fall off the ladder or can’t go any higher get a new ladder and start to build a different version for yourself   (maybe instead of acting for theater you’ll do voice off work).

(5) Make sure you spend time with positive people that support your actions and efforts no matter where they might lead.

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