Spot the Dohuman

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

spot 2

Translated from dogingilish – to English

I’m Spot and I can’t wait till my master comes home !!! My Master is so good to me making sure I always have plenty to eat and takes me for these wonderful walks in the park where I meet other Dohuman’s. Every once in awhile I think that Master looks similar to my species but then I realize we can’t even speak the same language.  My training school has helped me learn more about our species and how to be a good Dohuman. Anyway why complain life is good for us with free food, exercise, playing ball and shelter who would complain. Oh I hear my master walking up the stairs how exciting I can’t wait to give him licks!!!

FOOTNOTE – This story is based on a time when no “four legged” pets exist.

Becoming Human

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Uncategorized - No Comments

Robot 1 Robot 2

I’m becoming human as I start to realize that work is not everything and relationships need their own time and care. My analytical mind has noticed how those that build up such time with other homo sapiens appear to be as happy as those that spend all their time trying to build something new.  We have been programmed to work and work without absorbing the information from those around us.  Yet when it seemed my program was going to be eliminated someone stopped in to save me from the scrap pile. Work is important but time, effort and sometimes pain must be used to build strong relationships which sometimes we use work to escape.

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