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I spend your money and it’s far from a crime.  You may not realize my power but in the end you all deposit with me.  You believe it’s free will that you buy that pack up gum, or that beautiful necklace for your loved one but who do you think really tells you which one to select?  Many might say I do what I want with my monies but that is because they have no idea of my influence.  For I make you feel that this product or service is just right for you even though there are many “you’s” out there.  Just in case you’re sure I don’t influence your decision check with your friend, loved one or group you belong to and see if we don’t match after all. You can rebel but trust me it’s even within that group that I control.   I am the woman or man behind the desk that makes sure it’s has the right color, look, smell so that you will be basically forced to pick it. Yes, I’m the marketing genius and I just legally picked your pocket again.

Hat Dead Hands

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You can pull my hat off my cold dead hands! For it is part of who I am and although it’s not a fundamental constitutional right it is my right to be me.  If you’re rules prohibit such an attachment on my head then my head and body will just be seen somewhere else.  The world you live in might feel differently and that’s fine and dandy it’s just a world I’m not going to be visiting soon.


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Mom and Dad are fighting again and I’m alone with an empty stomach. Dad has told his friends that he would put up a front door in the house while mom has told her friends she won’t permit it and all I feel is cold in between. To be honest before this fight dad said some hurtful words to mom at least that’s what mom and her friends belief.  Mom has agreed to putting up some type of alarm system but dad says insects and other harmful elements can slip through. Once in awhile we even have a person sneak under the alarm system. Yet mom says not only won’t she pay for the door but until dad gives up on the concept she won’t even allow our families budget to pay for any food and that we can live on food stamps instead.  It’s strange to me because there are other doors in the house just one that isn’t on our front door.  I’m just a kid but I think mom is being really immature what do you think?

Steal This One

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You have permission to steal this blog post idea (below) from me. Of course it would be nice if you put something in my other pocket.

No family should be left with the decision of whether a loved one should stay alive vs the cost to do so! Yet today many families face such a dilemma as experiment treatment or procedures are not covered with their standard medical plan. The LIVE LONGER SUPPLEMENT will end this dilemma as it will cover all the extra treatments a loved one would need that could truly make them live longer.  Of course the expense for this supplement might be a bit higher then your normal premium but isn’t the life of your loved one worth it?

FOOTNOTE- I would add this to my portfolio of life.


Steal This?

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Stealing is wrong no matter what but stealing a bus is also completely dumb.  For how long do you think it will take for people to realize that their bus is stolen.  Know one has ever said let’s go on a joy ride on a bus.   It’s not as if you have a woman magnet when you try to pick up  beautiful people in your bus down the L.A street. You might have some extra space though.  I guess these individuals are into slow motion stupid crimes.

Shutdown Solution

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President Trump please consider the following proposal before you make your 3PM announcement today to end the shutdown.  The key word is not wall, shutdown, illegal immigrants, 800,000 government workers but forced arbitration.  Have two arbitrators from both sides listen to all the facts on the ground as your side and the Democrats present them. Then have these arbitrators work out the agreement that all sides will be forced to sign off on.  They will have several weeks to work out the details and in-between you will agree to open up the government until that occurs.  This will give both sides the ability to compromise without receiving the blame from their base. It will also give ammunition for the 2020 Presidential election season.


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If Buzzfeed story is correct then President Trump will be facing immediately impeachment. Buzzfeed has reported that Mueller Investigation has uncovered this picture of the real President Trump .  If correct this picture shows the President is an Alien which would prohibit from serving as President.  Leader of the House Nancy Pelosi has already started an investigation. Wait the Mueller team has denied the allegations. 

MSNBC has just received the following picture of  President Trump (below)from our reliable sources at Buzzfeed.  It is  clear signal that impeachment should be around the corner.  For the American people will not tolerate a President who is a vampire in the White House… we hope.

FOOTNOTE- Just in case there is a hater reading this blog post these stories are not true.

Cry Wolf, Frankenstein, Dracula

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How many times is the media going to cry wolf concerning the President before even the haters realize they can’t believe them?  Buzzfeed’s is just the latest  proof  of fake news that continue to break news apart into fictional stories that continue to destroy this industry. This is a serious problem when news really is breaking such as hurricanes, blizzard’s or even a true story on the President.  Instead the news media hasn’t learned a lesson  that many of us were taught as child don’t cry wolf and especially not Frankenstein or Dracula.

Wealth Fear

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I’m walking in a whole different path that is paved with gold at least that’s what it might appear to others. For all of a sudden I don’t have to worry about the next meal for a lifetime… as long as I play my cards sorta right. Many have started to walk this path only to suddenly fall off a cliff, as they looked at the mirror instead of the steps ahead. I know G-D has brought me this wealth and with it comes great responsibilities. Yet lately I’m being pulled in a different direction fearing that other are out to get my  power, prestige and fame and I won’t let anyone get in my way!  My name is Solomon and maybe I do have too many horses.

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