Stop Mass Shootings/School Shootings- PLEASE SHHER

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

Parkland Florida Shooting School Shooting

It’s time pictures like the one we seen today stop end as we eliminate the threat of mass/school shootings.  This won’t happen overnight but here are some steps that can be taken to start making this picture fade from our vision.

(1) SIGNS-   Security Officials with Weapons Concealed and Open Station Here.  Whether this is the truth or not at all time it will create a fear for those who have evil motives.

(2) HOLIDAYS-  Trained armed security officials should always be in location where many congregate including schools, parades, concerts etc but even if they aren’t there all the time they must be there during times when those that are most distressed might want to take out on others (Valentines Day, Winter Holidays, Etc).

(3) FOLLOW TROUBLE-  It is not enough to expel someone with violent or destructive tendencies  such individuals must be monitored even against their wishes to get the help they need so they won’t cause a problem for themselves or others.  This should be attempted with as friendly constructive approach as possible.

(4) DIFFERENT TIMES-  Something is causing this behavior to occur in these times then in the past although the equipment basically stays the same. Therefore we must carefully study any reasons this is happening  (psychiatric drugs for youths, social media growth, new technology, lack of discipline in home etc) to see if there are ways we might check for signs in any other individual.

(5) PSYCHIATRIC RESOURCES-    Treatment of mental health issues must be much easier to receive and with less stigma as well as cost to the consumer.

(6) SEE SOMETHING SAY & RESPONSE-   It’s not enough that we see something and say but an immediate response should occur from local officials who can deal with such an issue with professionalism and care.

(7) FIGHT-    It is true that some should flee an attack and other should hide but their must be a group always prepared to fight even if at the cost of their live to save others.  Training for such individuals willing to take this stance should occur at local police stations.

(8) DOG   Utilizing animals to sniff out guns and other weapons before individuals enter sites and create fear for those who would consider an evil action.

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