Legal Prostitution?

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Prostitution 1

Usually I have a strong position on an issue based on a logical conclusion that is unmovable but due to the current climate my position on legal prostitution is bending.  Here are some of the reasons for and against prostitution being legal. WHERE DO YOU STAND AND WHY?


  1. The prostitute is someone’s child or parent? Would we really want our siblings to follow in these footsteps?
  2. Does any person really desire to have this position or are they truly forced into it by drugs, mental health issues or just plain desperation?
  3. Lowers societal values on people as objects to fulfill a sexual appetite rather then a fellow human being.
  4. Prostitution can bring other undesirable elements to a community including drugs, gangs and other illicit activities.


  1. It’s impossible to stop so why not regulate it and have the state generate a true sin tax.
  2. The profession could be regulated so there is less of a chance of SDT’s transmitted through society.
  3. Harvey Weinstein Effect- Will those in power be less likely to strike innocent victims when a legal channel will be open to release these feelings?
  4. Adults should be able to make their own decisions on what services they will provide for a financial gain as long as those services don’t impact those who don’t desire these services.

7 Countries to Support !!!!

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Jerusalem 2

I stand and support with my $$ and love the following countries Togo, Guatemala, Hondoras, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Naura, Palua & Togo for they stand with the United States right to recognize the true capital of Israel, Jerusalem.  Will you stand with these  7 great countries as well so that self determination is not controlled by an all powerful one world government but the people who govern their land and their supporters?  Jerusalem a land that has been commanded by the highest authority to be the capital of  Israel and fought to keep by the bravest of warriors will not be taken away by any decree of man/woman.  It’s time that this stance be taken and we unite for true justice and peace.


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after new years 2 Christmas Tree down

So you’re a little late to the party/holiday it shouldn’t mean you can’t send your best wishes. “AFTER HOLIDAY CARDS” will allow you to keep the party/holiday going for as long as you want and make sure your present stands out above the rest…. because it’s a bit later.  If your friends can keep their decorations up months after the holiday surely you can  send them an “AFTER HOLIDAY CARD … and present for life is too short to celebrate the holiday only once in a year and maybe they’ll be too drunk to realize it’s ended anyway.


Television/Movies with Powerful Endings

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Six Sense Happy Days 2

It appears easier to start a movie or television show on a high note then to end with this similar note but some have stayed in my mind. Here are just a few (below) that come to my mind and continue to stay there.

(1) THE SIXTH SENSE–  Here was an ending that drove the viewer to think are the sure what they are looking at in the real world

(2) HAPPY DAYS– Maybe it was the good times that we had watching the characters grow that led to this sentimental ending.

(3) FIGHT CLUB- This ending let everyone feel they were going insane in a good way?

(4) MASH- An ending that let you feel the closeness that war brings to those who try to save life’s.

(5) USUAL SUSPECTS- You will feel guilty with this ending.

(6) H(OUSE OF CARDS SEASON 1- The real reason the cast and crew ignored Kevin Spacey’s accusation for so long.

(7) HALLOWEEN/ WHEN A STRANGER CALLS/ SCREAM/ MY BLOODY VALENTINE- This is why horror leaves us longing for more and sequels. 

(8) NEWHART- Gave Dallas a run for it’s money

(9) ANGEL HEART- A shocker that continues to shock today.

(10) MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW- A sentimental favorite that still brings out the Kleenex. All In The Family- Should be mentioned but it’s too sad.

(11) PLANET OF THE APES- Damn that ending leaves statues crumbling…well maybe not.




Mash T.V Show Fight Club 4

Hate President Trump TEST

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President Trump 101

While drinking your “Morning Joe” with your entire body as The Washington Post lays on your lap you might believe that you’re feelings about the President are less then hateful but if you say yes to any one of the questions you’re in the hate zone!

(1) You have difficulty reading this blog post because Trump is in the title.

(2) This blog post is at the top of your list because Hate & Trump are in the headlines.

(3) Anchors on MSNBC and CNN are considered fair and balance to you.

(4) When listening to the President all you can do is lower the volume and look at his hair.

(5) A woman/man should be judged by his words not his actions.

(6) The tax monies you’ve saved are going to the DNC

(7) Robert Mueller’s investigation into “Russian Collusion” is in your daily prayers.

(8) Friendships are ended when Trump and a positive word are connected.

(9)  You believe ISIS would have been defeated under the Obama Administration if given more time.

(10) Cats are more loved then dogs to you.  (May not actually be part of this test but if you believe this is so then you need help)

Behind the Scene’s of The Greg Gutfeld Show

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Greg Gutfeld

Viewers look at shows a bit differently when they watch it live in front of their own seat. The Greg Gutfeld Show is a perfectly good example where people in the audience are treated with a great deal more respect and dignity then other productions.Where other shows act like there is a wall between you and the actual show the Greg Gutfeld Show is receptive from the moment you enter to the time you leave.  They have a live comedian to get the audience in the mood and the entertainers try to make sure the audience feels welcome even in between intermission breaks.  From tasty snacks including sandwiches and delicious hot chocolate  to the warm reception you receive as a member of a close knit guest audience the Greg Gutfeld Show might just be the show you want to watch live.

Greg Gutfeld Show & Me Tonight

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Greg Gutfeld

I will be on the Greg Gutfeld show being filmed tonight but you might not actually see my pretty face.  You will hear from me if not in spoken words then by my laugh, clap or even sneeze.  Who knows ten years from now that sneeze will be remembered as the “action” that brought me to the big stage and it all could happen tonight! Either way it will be fun to watch the live broadcast of the show and I’ll try to clap a little harder so you can remember “ME”!

Key to Dream = Prerogative

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keys to door

The “key” to your success might not be the tools you bring to the table but if you are willing to spend the exhaustive time, energy and resources to make them fit.  Is this goal really your prerogative or will it slip deeper in your pocket as other leisurely and less important goals some how jump to the surface?  Talent without complete desire will get you to the door but may not open the goal. Decide what your prerogative is and then see if it truly is that high up on your list or can wait to be opened another day, month, year or maybe never.

Should John Mccain Retire

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John Mccain John Mccain

Should John Mccain retire is not a political question but an employment decision?The Senator was feeling ill enough to miss a vote for one of the most crucial pieces of legislation to come in years does he really believe that he’s well enough to represent the people of Arizona today?  If G-D forbid you were in his position would you continue to work or spend more time with family and friends as you sought a miraculous recovery? This is a decision the Senator should make based on consultation with medical professionals, family and friends as well as the people of Arizona who he has the honor and duty to represent fully.

Andre Nicole Barber -Fails Class

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Andre Nicole Barber

Andre Nicole Barber is another teacher who led their students past homeroom to her home for extra curricular activities. What is even sicker is she is married (at least since the blog post was written) and worked for a Christian school.  I understand some need extra help but not a 15 year old boy. Andre you’re married and if your husband can’t satisfy your needs I’m sure a 15 year old won’t help. Maybe instead of looking for dates in preschool you might check your local bar at least they should be of age.   Where do these teachers come from outer space or Oregon (sorry Oregon but she was in your state)? Seriously is it this hard for some to find a man that they start looking for a boy? The sick society continues.

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