Earliest Memories

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments


What do we remember from our earliest years on this earth? The moments come to my mind are not on actual dates but events that were either traumatic or exhilarating. Here are just a few that stay in recall.

(1) PLAYING LEFT OUT– I remember being picked last for any sporting activity I’m not sure if this began at first grade but definitely was in my formative years.

(2) GHOST “LITERALLY”- My teacher gave me a role as a ghost in the Christmas Carol unfortunately it was the 3rd ghost who didn’t speak.

(3) TRANSGENDER MOMENT- Yes before I really knew the difference between the sexes I played Tennilla and my best friend played the Captain. Now that I think of it what kind of best friend was he.

(4) HIPPIES ROAR-  My political life probably started with the roar of hippies as President Nixon resigned and I alone felt sad for this man and our country.

(5) GREAT DETECTIVE- I became deeply connected to the “Son of Sam” case trying to find this killer in my own mind.

(6) SICK ON A TRIP – The vacation turned out to be sickation as I spent the better part of my days trying to recover from Bronchitis.

(7) GOOD CLOWN-  To build my coordination skills I had to throw a small sand bag in a clown display.  

(8) SCARY MONKEY’S- Flying Monkeys can freak out anyone but when you’re really young that can leave a lasting memory. Thank you Wizard of Oz they’re still freaky.

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