World Mental Health Day- The Office

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

World Mental Health Day 1  World Mental Health Day 2

Today is “World Mental Health Day” and this year they are focusing on what occurs at our offices. I want to share with you some key words (below) that I learned from National Alliance for Mental Health or NAMi so that you will better understand those who happen to have a sickness in their head instead of another part of their body. Please note just like any sickness with good treatment we can truly help those who are suffering.  Finally realize that you can only help those who truly want help and for each two steps forward there might be a step back but at least you’re moving in the right direction.

TRIGGERS– This is some type of action or words that cause someone to  have an outburst of emotions. It might appear insignificant to you but please understand it’s similar to a pin that stabbed a camels back and it truly hurts those who are suffering.  Therefore even if it seems insignificant to you and even the world do not little belittle such feelings for those are real and need an empathetic ear.

EPISODE– When an individual who has a mental health condition has an outburst it can be defined as an episode and just as one changes a channel after it occurs those that have this illness may not realize that they had this outburst. It is best to try and move on with them to a different channel until a time and place where a safe discussion can be had about the feelings not what had actually occurred.

YOU- For someone who is suffering from a mental health episode “You” is a dangerous word. It puts the individual in a defensive mode and will not help alleviate the problem(s) “I” on the other hand is safe and helps the person who is suffering understand better what is occurring and how it makes you feel.  




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