Letter to G-D

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

hand writing

Dear G-D

As you’ve noticed since your everywhere, I’ve sorta been “Kosher Lite” for the only meat I’ve eaten for several weeks has been Kosher. I’ve committed these action not necessarily due to any strong faith commitment but because I believe it’s less cruel to animals. Yet I really should follow your advise first, rather then what I think is right. Therefore if you believe this is the right policy for me to continue to commit too I ask for a positive unique sign and if it could be done before the end of the week that would be great.  For if I’m wrong those Chicken Fingers are calling.   I’m not asking for you to make my dog speak in English (my Hebrew isn’t that good)  to me, for that would make me take a visit to the hospital (although in a crowd would be nice and probably get me on a late night show) but something more practical. Here are several positive signs/miracles (below) that I came up with my puny mind so of course other signs would be welcome as well.

(1) A loved one out of the blue saying they love me.

(2) The people of Iran, North Korea and/or Venezuela overthrowing their evil governments.

(3) My son getting a full time position that he sorta likes.

(4) Sidney my dog coming back with negative results as it relates to his heart conditions.

(5) My Aunt and/Or cousin becoming Cancer Free.

(6) Aluf Plastic committing to inventory and sell out of their warehouse Bud Rebel Bags

(7) Getting the opportunity to speak my mind even for 5 minutes as a guest on the Howard Stern show.

G-D I truly can’t thank you enough for all that you do every minute of the day and adding reading this letter to your busy, busy schedule . Your faithful servant most of the time… okay but I’m trying.

Love Always

Bud Rebel AKA (you know my other names)

FOOTNOTE – G-D has a sense of humor otherwise Jewish people (the chosen) wouldn’t have so many comedians.

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