Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments


It is if they have these individuals have a  switch to your anger button for they continue to find ways to set you off and it’s burning inside and out?  Maybe it’s a pet peeve that they keep taking for a walk or just their lack of concern that continues to set your TNT off, all you know is you need a release. Here are some tactics (below)  you and I should probably follow.

(1) ACT- Develop your acting skills to pretend the annoying person isn’t actually doing what they always do. Walk in the bathroom and put the seat down then pretend it was already down. Speak to them as if they actually appear to be concerned and continue speaking until you find some actually empathy.

(2) AVOID- In the end the goal is happiness so try to find ways to divert away from the annoyance. Find a bathroom they haven’t sat in or talk to someone who actual gives a damn or pretends too.

(3) SEARCH & FIND- Look and magnify the parts which don’t annoy you about said individual and focus more attention on those aspects then the ANNOYING points till those points become less annoying.


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