Is it fair?

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

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While you’re busting your rump pulling in another hard day of work David has just pulled the numbers of success?  It might not just be the numbers that pull in the dough but one stock tip that pulls one individual down easy street while you’re working to keep it smooth for their BMW.  Of course it’s not fair but it’s life and sometimes there are more bruises in carrying the burden of success then in laying the clay. We also can feel a bit of satisfaction in knowing we earn our $$’s everyday while they just found there’s but does that pull us through an envy bug?  Envies only cure is faith understanding that there is a higher purpose in what might appear to be unfair at the moment and though the numbers don’t appear to add up here there will be some extra additions and subtractions later on in this world or at a higher level. G-D has a plan for us but the trip down each road might appear smoother then we think for others although cracks we don’t see lie ahead for us all.  In between keep that rump up for the end of the work day is near and there is always a snack that can take you to higher place even if it’s just for that moment.

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