Converting Hillary Supporter

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Political - No Comments

Presidential Election 2016

How to convert a Hillary supporter to not press the lever in her name on election day truly depends on the type of supporter you’re looking to convert. Do not fight a battle on your mind but look into their mind if a conversion is to work.  Here (below) are a few examples and how this method would work. Remember we may not be able to convert them to Trump but we still help them to make the right choice.

(1) FEMINIST-  This person is motivated by woman’s issues. Then you’re argument must be how Hillary has paid lip service to these issues while receiving millions of dollars (through the Clinton Foundation) from regimes that brutally oppress women’s rights such as Saudi Arabia. Furthermore their is a woman that truly supports woman’s rights and she is running for President as well her name is Jill Stein from the Green Party. Conversion to the Green Party will only help the Trump Party.

(2) BERNIE FAN- A Bernie fan is usually motivated by stopping the “bad trade deals” and “big $ in politics” two issues that Hillary’s record proves their on the opposite side of the fence on while Jill Stein stands on that same fence with Bernie and other Socialist Utopia ideas.

(3) ALWAYS DEMOCRAT- These will be the hardest to convince and you will have to do your best to show case how Hillary isn’t a Democrat or Republican but interested in financing herself and lifestyle at the expense of all us.  You will need to demonstrate that the actions she has taken have put all of us at risk, and that many of those actions would have put many of us behind bars while she seeks a promotion.  The idea is to motivate these individuals to stay at home this election cycle because the party is too dirty to vote for in 2016. This will show the party that corruption matters and if it helps Donald get to the White House well that’s an extra benefit they don’t need to think about.

(4) SOCIALLY LIBERAL- Here are the individuals who would vote for Donald Trump but fear the “Socially Conservative Agenda” behind him.  You can point out to these individuals that Donald Trump has only held these positions very recently and therefore the future is hard to determine.  Furthermore you can point to those issues such as national security and the economy and let them realize which one’s truly effect them and their families today.   You might actually move enough of them to the Trump team to offset some of the socially conservatives that are going to sit this one out.

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