My Personal Diary 6-14-15

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments



I’ve always believed in having that extra drink or two when 3 conditions are met. First the drinks are free or included in the cost (Weddings, Bar Mitzvah’s, Parties etc) because otherwise the pocket becomes empty before the head starts spinning. Second I have a designated driver that knows how to drive and where I live. Finally my body is half way there. Last night was such a night where the Rum & Coke were the perfect medicine for fun. I danced and spoke a bit better at least that’s what it felt like.  The Boy Scouts also brought on one of the great drinking nights in my life. For the food they had served at the campsite was not up to my appetite or faith and the sleep I received was less then needed so when I went out with friends that night one drink was all it took to get a buzz.  With two drinks I was flying high as a kite.

EARLY SUNDAY WORKOUT- It’s sometimes difficult to get a workout coordinated with the daily plans so on Sunday I decided to get up extra early and make my body work. My body did it’s job and I had my first high of the day.

POPULAR- I was Mr. popular at the car mechanic today as to friends were almost at gloves fighting for my attention (a bit of an exaggeration but it paints a great picture). The truth is it can be difficult being popular especially when you have other things to do then yap all day.

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