Thank you President Obama.

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, funny - No Comments

President Obama 2

I’m truly grateful for the President for showing me that errors and mistakes are best to be ignored. I’m still working on overcoming my guilt problems but by following the President example I know I can truly feel free to commit any act and just smile along the way.  Here are just a few ways that the President has shown me the path.

(1)   I used to have deep regrets when I purchased an item from my business that didn’t sell but if the President doesn’t worry about the extra trillion here or there why should I be so concerned.

(2) It troubled me when my involvement in a conflict didn’t work out the way I expected but my problems were with individual people while his are with countries (Iraq, Israel, Germany) and if it wasn’t any skin off his back well why should it bother me.

(3) It used to ruin my day when I got a speedy ticket for breaking the law but if the President get bend a rule here or there why shouldn’t that speedy ticket really bother me.

(4) Guilt would bring me down during vacation time because I felt I’d leave my responsibilities behind yet the President’s ability to not miss a putt or fundraiser during a crisis has relieved me from this stress.

Therefore I want to thank the President who has helped demonstrate you can be a complete failure and still feel good about yourself.

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