Journal note- 1/06/14

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

PAST:  I have always worked and G-D willing will in someway until my time on this earth has passed. I find work keeps your mind away from activities that could be harmful to your body, mind or soul. It’s also one of the best ways to actually meet people from all walks of life without any pretense.

My first job was as a Newspaper boy for Newsday. I would deliver papers to the two blocks around my house for a small salary and a bigger tip yet some of the neighbors weren’t so generous. I got my “revenge” when on the last day of my route I gave a crumpled up paper to that cheap customer.  He asked me why I  handed him this paper and I told him it was because he gave me the worst tip on the blocks. The man was shocked and finally gave me a decent tip but more importantly was more respectful to my replacement. 

   The next job I worked out was McDonalds and in my day that was a hard job to get. The manager was just about to tell me that when I said “have a nice day” and was hired on the spot. McDonalds was a job that truly taught me how to earn each penny. There never was a moment free.  I wasn’t great with the shake machine unless you’re serving the ceiling and I also made a mountain of ketchup because my hands were too slippery to turn off the ketchup knob.

I went through a variety of other jobs before completing High school including working as a bus boy at a deli, a one day job as a bartender who didn’t know how to mix drinks, summer waiter position at a sleep away camp and working at the family lumberyard every break I got. I also worked at “Shop rite” as a cashier.  This was one job that I wasn’t made for as they let me go after being over and under 3 times.  It was the time when cashiers had to put in each item by the dollar amount and take in coupon by hand.

When I went to college I held different positions depending on which school I attended. At SUNY Albany I was a sales representative for a local custom sweater company. I would try to have college teams and clubs by private label merchandise from me. Upon my time at Bryant University I worked at a Thom McCan shoes and a local lumberyard.  I was let go at the Lumberyard for a reason that even today makes me wonder. They said I wrote too sloppy but that was after I worked there for over 6 months.  I was told by others that it was because the owner was Anti-Semitic but I always try not to use that as an excuse.

After college I would find the job that I’m still working for today details coming soon.

PRESENT:  London hit my hometown today with one of the worst fogs I ever had to drive through.  It led to an over 90 minute trip to work which made the day more complicated then expected but by the afternoon everthing was calm. We had my dog buried today in the backyard. I think it’s good that he ended up in his favorite place in the world. I’m trying to get this short put together before my birthday bash but there are so many obstacles including making sure the location is available and getting the crew and cast that I’m not sure we will be able to do it. 

FUTURE: I hope to get my blood test for a check up before work and go to the gym after work that is unless I’m frozen.

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