If He’s Right

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It has been considered almost a fact by the media elites and those in power that having our troops leave Syria now is a poor decision but could the President actually be looking at the situation with a bit more depth then many a pundit? To be honest on this issue I have been leaning toward the punditry but here (below) is why G-D willing we are wrong and the President just might be right.

(1) OTHER COUNTRIES- One thing that unites those countries currently in Syria including the government is their venom position to ISIS. They will continue this fight without any of our greatest assets being on thev ground.

(2) COSTS – By reducing our expenditures in Syria we can utilitze those individuals and capital in areas where the impact can be greater.

(3) VICTORY- Maybe we can actually claim victory in Syria because we have basically defeated ISIS as a threat to our homeland and our allies so why not leave with victory in our hands?

(4) ENEMIES-  Yes, Iran has a footprint in Syria but it continues to be stepped on and that is a cost which will continue to burden the government in charge especially as the sanctions hit them.


Leave Now

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Why when you’re given the keys do you still stay in park? Is it because you’re more comfortable with what you have now then a new unknown path ahead? Joseph and his family were given a pass to leave Egypt to bury their father Jacob but for some reason returned the pass. This  led to 400 years (or so) of slavery. We all know the rest of the story so it worked afterwards but I wonder if a didn’t rewrite might have been easier for their descendants? Only G-D knows but if given the keys to leave maybe you should at least start the engine and see where it leads you, even if fear lies ahead.

It’s Here !!!

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Today was an historic day as my first invention actually hit a store shelf and the sad thing about it is I almost forgot it occurred.  I was so wrapped up with other events occuring in my life that this historic event was almost left on a dusty shelf. Wind Clean is the first glass cleaner with a minty fresh smell that was produced entirely by innovation.   It also was amazing that before it actually landed on the shelves I already produced we already produced our 1st sale. Yet sometimes life has a way to steal the drum roll away only to let it a beat much later on.

CORRECTION–  This was actually not my 1st invention to hit the marketplace but probably the boldest. My 1st invention was the Bud Rebel bag which contained a property that is supposed to keep Mickey and his friends away. This invention doesn’t have the bold label as Minty Clean and there are similar products in the marketplace but it’s unique chemistry stands alone.

President Trump The Politician

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Has President Trumps defeat on the border moved him into another politician. Where one says they’ll do one thing and gives in at the end to the “deep state”?  One thing I believe most of the deplorables hoped is that this state wouldn’t have it’s tenacles on our President but I fear that it is now grabbing at one of his legs. The President might be just a bit tired of the fight and wants a moment to “just get along”.  Or maybe he’s just playing their game for now until he can start one he can win.  If that is the case  Mr. President just please be careful for when the deep state grabs one leg the other isn’t far behind.

Sucking Out The Brain

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It appears that I’m getting smarter and you are going in the opposite direction, as if I’m sucking out thousands of Neuron’s everyday.  Of course I could be staying the same and you’re just getting dumber. It also is possible that maybe I’m the one who is losing brain power and your the one gaining but I’m just to dumb to perceive the transaction.  In the end I guess we’ll have to think about this a bit more carefully unless one of us has had that ability sucked out of them.

FOOTNOTE- This blog post is not based on any of the readers of said post unless they are….

Border Wall/Border Protection- Compromise

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Political - No Comments


There is no doubt the President lost the fight on the border wall but that doesn’t mean he has to lose the war. With a compromise that allows everyone to save face the President will come out ahead even his base feels a bit left behind for now. We have to realize whether we want to or not that the President has so many moves on the chess board until at least 2020 and something is better then nothing.   Here’s the 2 ingredients of said compromise (below) that could just protect us all.

(1) ARMY CORP OF ENGINEERS– Get 5 billion dollars for border protection  and allow the Army Corp of Engineers decide which barrier would be most effective in performing this work.

(2) INFRASTRUCTURE- Tie border protection funding into a infrastructure bill that provides for also said border protection.


Worst Cover

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I have a new appreciation of Queen after hearing this “cover” of their song especially as it relates to the vocal talents of the late Freddie Mercury.


Bribery/Tips Works

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If there is one thing I’ve learned from the “El Chapo” series is that bribery works. It kept Chapo Guzman away from real punishment for the crimes that he committed.  I also see how this can work in the tip world as service can be determined by how much you want to wet the pockets in advance. Whether it is at your local deli or even gas station $$ speaks larger then words and there is always someone who will give you a bit better service for the extra Washington maybe Hamilton.

FOOTNOTE Yet as a person of morale character my tips are based on extra quality given not benefits that could be derived.

Space In Head

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Your brain is in a fixed area and unlike space doesn’t expand further out. So when one concentrates on one subject to the point of fixation it leaves little space for other information to be gathered.  In other words we focus on one planet while their is a whole solar system we are missing in our head. The beauty of the stars is lost as that one planet gets hotter and hotter ready to explode. It is important to have focus but not to the point of losing sight of the big picture. Therefore open your mind, for the space might be limited but you truly haven’t seen it all.

FOOTNOTE– Your soul might be in a whole different category but that’s for another blog post.


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I know I should keep my mouth closed for what I’m about to report will hurt some but this product does exist and is commonly sold.  The name is called Retarder and to make matters worse for some it is meant to be extra slow.  I know retarder is close to the new forbidden word “retar, but what can I say a customer wanted it. A matter fact that customer actually works for the city of NY and he is still so political insensitive.  How could someone from a government position not care about offending others when buying this product?  I also apologize for those hurt because I sold this product without even thinking about how hurt others might feel.

FOOTNOTE– I’m really not sorry but worry Google might ban this post if I didn’t say so.