Why??? ** M**

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

You who claim to be some Vegan and/or Kosher ate my brother and come to think of it my entire family!!  Oh don’t claim it was some accident you did when you were sleeping if you kept your big mouth closed when you were sleeping this never would have occurred. For, my family members felt trapped as you disguised your mouth as a cave even if you didn’t know that you were so good at set designer, trust me to a spider you’re an expert. Even if you claim that this didn’t occur how about the coffee beans you ground up or those cookies you made from scratch didn’t you see my sisters parts before you took a bite/drink?   Yet you keep on eating, drinking and sleeping as if nothing is going on well for one with eight legs trust me your guilty as charged!  So stop with those labels until your six feet under and then let’s see who gets the last bite.

FOOTNOTE-   The government allows for some insect parts in your coffee and flour products because it’s nearly impossible to keep out.


Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

Don’t cry for me because I never had the chance to cry for you. In this 24 hour period I never heard a moment of pain or suffering but only the great things of life air, food, rest and peace. It was just one day but the most wonderful day I can imagine because I never knew better or really worse. One day might seem sad to you but if you don’t know better it truly can be worth every minute.

Could Be True

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, creatiVe thoughts that... - No Comments

I awoke this morning in a different realm which I could be buried in the previous one. It was as if a new book was opened but on the same chapter. All the characters were the same and everything continued as if it was “supposed to”  but some patterns proved this wasn’t the case. A rare acquaintance who was not with us was suddenly bright and cheery well maybe not so cheery but at least her heart was pounding.  Little things led to this revelation as cars were parked perfectly this morning and socks with holes were suddenly patched.  Some might say alternate universes are occurring simultaneously yet I believe mine just began today…ish.  Maybe others go on a different journey to hell, heaven or rebirth but for me the story stays the same which at least leaves the burden of leaving beyond six feet under.

FOOTNOTE-Can you prove this isn’t the case?

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