Stormy Daniels- Will Only Bill Clinton- Donald Trump

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

Sad Bill Clinton Donald Trump Sad

History could repeat itself and it will be a bonanza to President Trump’s popularity. For as in the case of President Clinton when the American people believe that some investigator is attacking the President on some personal sexual matters that President becomes more their President then ever before. A growing sympathy resides even in many of those that normally oppose the President for having an investigation that puts our country through the garbage over “sex matters”. Remember Bill Clinton lied about sexual misconduct that occurred with a young intern while he was in the White House and still the majority of American’s jumped to his defense.  While Donald Trump doesn’t have the political talents of Bill Clinton the American public will similar jump to his defense especially when this might have occured between consenting adults while he was a private citizen. So go ahead Mueller go down this root and President Trump will be sure to be in the White House for the next 6 1/2 years.

Storm hits the Media

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Political - No Comments

Stormy Daniels 5 Scary storm 1

The storm clouds have finally hit the media and I’m not sure they’ll be clearing anytime soon. For even the toughest critics of the President felt the hyped of interview with Stormy Daniels was a bit rough on the Presidency as a whole with salacious spanking details we really didn’t have to know.  They have created a new sympathy for the President and his family including young Baron who was exposed to this raw details which many felt was done just to hurt Donald J. Trump’s reputation.  In return if a Fox every does come the public will not open the door because how many storms must you hype up before they actually get bit themselves.

Stormy Daniels Interview- 60 MInutes What we learn

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

Stormy Daniels 5

What are the actual facts we learn from the Stormy Daniels that we all can agree on?

(1) A married man shouldn’t be alone with a beautiful woman in a hotel especially if she is adult star.

(2) If you ignore the advise of line 1 come clean ASAP with all the facts for time heals most “things”

(3)  Maybe prostitution should be legal after all.

(4) Stormy Daniels is beautiful.

(5)  60 Minutes isn’t a big fan of President Trump.

(6) Non-Disclosure forms aren’t effective when you’re President of the United States because there are more opportunities in telling whatever truth gives you the greatest opportunities.

(7) Stormy Daniels doesn’t like the President and wants to hurt his Presidency even if his family as well as the country are hurt as well.

(8) Mrs. Daniels might not be the best person to tell a secret too.

Stormy Daniels & Realism

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

Stormy Daniels 2  Stormy Daniels 3

While Stormy Daniels get’s the spotlight on 60 minutes lambasting the President I wonder how many of us would have the power to resist this attraction if she popped into our life? Even the most loyal husband might be tempted to look the other way for a moment. Infidelity is still wrong but let’s face it is more understandable when their is a different picture in front of you.   You might be able to resist but let’s face it this is no 21 year intern from BC generation.

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