Entertainers & DRUGS

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

Michael Jackson 2 Prince 5

My eyes and bones have opened, as a recent injury has made me better understand the call of drugs that has killed so many of our greatest entertainers. For their promoters continue to push them to work even though their bodies and minds tell them they can’t. Take this one pill this one time becomes the pill they have to take just to get on the stage.  Too often leading to a coffin full of bodies of some of our most talented before their time, when all they really needed was the 2 R’s (rest & relaxation). Yet with the constant pressure from the meat factory that a break will lead to their demise they push their bodies by unnatural means till it’s often too late.  The only way to stop this onslaught is by a loved one truly loving this star enough to convince them to relax their stardom until they are truly ready physically and mentally for it again.

ELVIS PRESLEY john Belushi

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