Screen** M** Story

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I’m just a screen where everyone just projects their true feelings on.  Yes, there is a scratch or two on my body, but nothing compared to their projections. What is often seen in my image has nothing to do with what is in or around me just what others bring to my image.  I try not to take it to personally as I know another screening will occur before I know it and there are often love scenes in-between but after a while, I have to admit it wears me down.  So please leave your projector off once in a while and go to a therapist instead.

Humans With Tails **E** maybe

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We no longer accept the derogatory word “dog” when identifying us and want reparations for the untold years of torment we endured with such a label. Yes, we now identity as “Humans W Tails” and expect all the rights and privileges’ do to others in this homosapien class.  Now before you claim we don’t have the intellect to fill such a role look who you currently elected for 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue he makes some of our Poodles look like geniuses.  Oh that was just one mistake hum how about that Senate from Pennsylvania I think his “Human W Tail” makes the real decisions. Our vocal chords may not be strong but we sometimes walk on 2 legs. So end this discrimination N-O-W and add us to your voting roles trust me you couldn’t do much worse.

Why??? ** M**

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You who claim to be some Vegan and/or Kosher ate my brother and come to think of it my entire family!!  Oh don’t claim it was some accident you did when you were sleeping if you kept your big mouth closed when you were sleeping this never would have occurred. For, my family members felt trapped as you disguised your mouth as a cave even if you didn’t know that you were so good at set designer, trust me to a spider you’re an expert. Even if you claim that this didn’t occur how about the coffee beans you ground up or those cookies you made from scratch didn’t you see my sisters parts before you took a bite/drink?   Yet you keep on eating, drinking and sleeping as if nothing is going on well for one with eight legs trust me your guilty as charged!  So stop with those labels until your six feet under and then let’s see who gets the last bite.

FOOTNOTE-   The government allows for some insect parts in your coffee and flour products because it’s nearly impossible to keep out.

Hunter Biden Law Firm

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The Hunter Biden Law Firm will smoke out the competition. For, our law firm will get you a slap on a pinkie for any crime you might “committed”.  We know the “big guy” and with his cut there is no way you’ll serve anytime.  Come on man, you know what to do hire us and everything will be taken care of. So, light up a big one and let justice be served in green. G-D save the Queen.


FOOTNOTE- DNC card required as well.

Can I What?? Does This Feel Like Your True Story

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Can I what? You can’t be serious, can you? Do you really want to? Is this true for I know the fork has been on the other end but it’s never been brought to me so is this real or just me hearing things?  Maybe I should really see that psychiatrist after all.  Well the answer is… yes I guess. I just wonder where you or anyone else has been in the last 30 years or so? Yes, you can help M-E !

Hidden- Mystery

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I know you’re there for your remains are discovered on a regular basis yet you’re more distant than a shadow. If I study the ground I might even find some more clues of your existence yet even Sherlock Holmes would be lost discovering a pattern.  People might say I should believe as there is a proof of your existence as soon as I leave my house and truly look around.  Though I still ponder neighbor where are you?

Not Funny

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2021 –  They slammed the doors on me for a joke that went too far. For the “PC Police” said my joke offended the ”       ” even as I saw them hiding with their own laughter. The new administration wants to make sure we all “get along” so she has created not just safe zones but safe cities and I guess I didn’t check the map.  It’s funny (not really) how some people are supposed to take a joke and others are to be protected from ones. It’s best to put me away because laughter can be dangerous medicine to a society that is so afraid to cross the line that it never lets you get close anymore. Know one is offended anymore at least not in the open for the jokes will continue only now behind bars.

Anti-Stalker Spray

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Let’s face it when these little critters come walking one’s path even the biggest, baddest wolf will give them space. The “Anti Stalker Spray” works the same making sure that those who actively want to stay close are snuffed away.  This spray will come in all different aroma’s such as Skunk, B.O, Morning Breathe etc and will insure you will have your space  where-ever you might go.  Anti Stalker Spray because sometimes you have to stink to stay safe.

Your Paying

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It’s hysterical where running for office while your paying our salary. That’s right you can be a Senator, Governor, Mayor and get paid for absolutely not doing your job. No, it’s not a vacation it’s better running for President. For you get to live on the taxpayers $$ and still keep the title and pay you had in your elected position while you spend all your time seeking a higher office. What a hysterical joke that only the taxpayers shouldn’t find funny at all.




Worst.Com App

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Business - No Comments

Everyone knows it’s hard to be the best but sometimes it’s equally hard to be the worst. That’s why will keep track of those who didn’t come 7th out of 8th but dead last. From the movie that lost the most amount of $$’s to the restaurant which closest the fastest. What really serves the worst Pizza in NY? Who is really the worst barber shop in your neighborhood? Not only will you know who wins (well actually loses) but the criteria behind the “title”.  Yes, we can celebrate the winners but sometimes those that lose deserve to be known as well.

FOOTNOTE- Who will be the worst Democratic Presidential Candidate of 2020 currently Mayor Bill De Blasio but with 24 candidates this race is far from over.

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