Doomsday Clock Begins/Real Shutdown

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, creatiVe thoughts that... - No Comments

You have 10 hours to decide if you want to live or exist in the 17oo’s. For we electric engineers are about to shut off your electricity unless you agree to our demands (below) within said time period. Just in case you are thinking about utilizing your computer devices to save you from our attack our friends in the industry will change all your passwords within the hour and add viruses if you somehow figure them out.  You have neglected our brilliance while you casually just turn or plug  the power we have so carefully formulated and it’s time we get due respect. You of lower intellect can’t make correct decisions by yourself so we will make them for you   If any government official tries to interfere with our plans with some success we will shorten that timetable considerable. Those that decide correctly will be able to access their electrical devices when we allow while those that don’t agree will live in darkness and the cold for eternity.

(1) We will receive a 20 % tax for all electrical usage.

(2) Our power to decide what is best for you based our own intelligent s will not be questioned or usurped.

(3) All those who don’t agree to these demands will be considered traitors and be sent to re-education camps to understand their inferiority to us.

…..LATER ON- The Doomsday Clock has been stopped as a child blessed with autism was able to destroy their plans. Without them knowing she had memorized their formula’s as they ignored her presence.

FOOTNOTE- For those who believe such a blog post is dangerous to print because it brings bad ideas in the public. I say we need to think of such scenario’s/solutions in advance because those ideas in such minds might already be brewing. My mind can’t even get past turning on a switch.

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