
Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

I can’t believe I forgot to drop that class and now my graduation paper is worthless. Worse than that I’m like a cartoon character from the 80’s as I forgot to wear any clothes in front of a whole group of people. What is going on? I have to get out of here as I run full speed ahead and suddenly start falling and falling and…  Welcome to my continually dreams at least one of them occurring between 12PM-4AM on a regular looped bases in my head.

Director Of Dreams- A Story

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

I’m the Steve Spielberg of your dreams only my job appears for life. Before this experience I was ordinary young man who had unordinary nightmares.  One night I decided to escape the nightmare hell by going through a port hole and this is where I ended up.  My body still exists in some comatose state as I’ve been given the task of formulating the team each night before I call, lights, camera sleep. Those dreams that take you to a different place but feel so real are all because of my artistic vision and the talent from your life experiences (dead or alive) that I continue to assemble. It isn’t a bad gig being the director of your dreams for I truly have your full attention when the production rolls.  Yet my art only lasts for one night and for one-person unless it’s so good that my talent won’t leave your mind asleep or awake.

FOOTNOTE- The director of my dreams assembled this concept for M-E.


Let’s Make YOUR Deal

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Business - No Comments

Let's Make A Deal Curtain 1 Let's Make A Deal Curtain 2

Let’s make YOUR Deal when it comes to helping you start or build the business empire (thinking big) that you desire.  For behind these curtains on this blog are some great, wierd and maybe even bad ideas but unlike the game show you get to look first which one to pursue.  Once you’ve choosen the “idea” that you want to make into reality I will help put together all the various pieces to get you driving down the road to success. All you have to do is choose that curtain and drive on that straight road no matter what gets in your way. So let’s make YOUR deal and let the winning begin.

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