Crazy Power

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SUB- Do you really want to give us the gig look at what it gives you?

MARY- Everyone is afraid to tell me the truth and…

SUB- That’s right everyone is afraid of Y-O-U and they basically do and say what you want right?

MARY- I don’t know I often feel ignored.

SUB- That can be difficult but do you really want them to hurt you again?

MARY- I think I should want to get better, right?

SUB- For, what so you can change to their likings. Now when you say something you don’t have to say your sorry because you’re “insane”. Your acts are  basically condoned because of the insanity defense. Most importantly people “fear” you and as your friend in the G0dfather said it’s better to be feared then loved.

MARY- Maybe you’re right I’ll stop taking my medicine.

FOOTNOTE-  Mental illness not only is a battle of one’s mind but their conscious as well.

Civil War- Not Worth The Fight- Movie Review

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Sometimes you watch a movie and your wonder why, “Civil War” is such a film. Yes, we can understand what the screenwriter was trying to portray that war can be pointless and just vicious but without any real “character development” (except for long pauses of staring contest) we in the audience truly don’t care. War in most cases is unnecessary but so were extra scenes in this film that went no where.  I understand that they didn’t want to get into the politics of those fighting but maybe a bit of the motivation behind it might have helped. Civil War was exciting in the last twenty minutes or so but by that time I called a truce and put this movie out of it’s misery.

**1/2-   I added an extra 1 1/2 stars for the overall production value of the film.


Naked Relationship

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When one escapes from the clothes with another then the relationship is truly tight. They let go of the boundaries that cover them from the world and just be their naked self. No longer must they hide this or that but let it all hang out no matter what is revealed. Relationship based on this look are ones that stay hot long after the blankets come off.

Bible Future….

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Imagine a time in the future where one is ostracized for libeling another instead of glorified by those typing their words. G-D shows how signs will appear on such a person so that those around him/her will shun them until their time of forgiveness appears. It might appear to be a harsh treatment but what harm comes to family and friends by idle gossip about another especially when it’s not based on facts but innuendo? If everyone truly worried about their own behavior and words first wouldn’t this be a better place? The bible is pointing us toward this future goal.  G-D willing it comes soon  even if it comes from a time many, many generations ago.


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Welcome to the victim class. In the past you were the victor but as times changed you’ve entered this new territory. Where those in “true power” are trying to suppress you and your voice.

(1) ZIONIST– Those who openly support the right of the Jewish State to exist in peace within their borders are now deemed the oppressors.

(2) FAITH FOLLOWERS- You are ridiculed by the elite in social media and the world of entertainment for your beliefs especially if then more traditional.

(3) MAGA SUPPORTERS- Trying to make your country great again is somehow inflated with being racist, homophobic and just plain hateful to those who control the greater communications channel.


Deep State- Victim Class – A Shadow Series

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LA- Fuck it the Victim Class isn’t working!!!

MG- We still got the LGTBQ+ community aboard.  Maybe there’s a S&M group we could connect this with as well at least one side is a victim.

LA- That’s not enough even the blacks are leaving us.

FF- They’ll be some officer shooting a quote unarmed black man this summer and our friends at BLM will bring out the masses.

LA- We can’t have another riot!

FF- We can it scares the white establishment to go along. Yet we need to add to our victims.

DB- Poor people who can’t kill their unborn babies is helping.

FF- I’m just worried with DT’s leaving it to the states that this won’t have the impact we need. We need then to play the poor Hamas victims against the brutal Israeli attacks.

LA- Will lose some of those damn Jews then.

FF- Maybe a few but they’d vote for Hitler if he had a D attached to his name especially if he was Pro-Abortion.

MG- I don’t know maybe we could somehow work with DT if he…..

O.S. Gunshoot

FF- Well that ends our conversation for today.


Eggshells & Chicken Head

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While I continually walk on eggshells your pulling the Chicken. To make matters worse my eggshells already have cracks in them and are leaking while the chicken head your chasing is trying to escape.  It is a game of chicken either way you slice it and I’m losing badly as you walk and go wherever you want and I avoid “life”. I’ve decided it’s time for a change I’m going to try and put on some new shoes and just walk because at this point there is no way to avoid a crack especially as you pull my chicken.

Hero DT

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At this point the former President has entered my hero category. For, he has faced wrongful prosecution from many a front yet has stood strong.  He has not buckled from the enormous pressure that is being put on him and his loved ones from courts that are jumping to “get him” no matter the truth.  President Donald Trump could have avoided all this by simply moving to a nice retirement community but instead he puts himself in the middle of a boxing ring with ones that are throwing more then punches. Whether you agree or disagree with this man you must respect his strength and endurance. G-D willing that will pay on his trip down Pennsylvania Avenue again.

Elephant Stays In

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Even as it’s obvious to anyone who walks in our Elephant is one I just ignore.  For, I know once it’s brought up then I’ll hear the true roar. Even as my space might get smaller and smaller at least I know it’s safe… for now. I Fit a bit of peace and happiness here and sometimes even there. Confrontation is not my thing so I have boxes to escape to even as they often get stomped on.  The elephant is in our room and is staying.

Sue Did It

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I might be the one in the mirror but her image is imprinted in my mind. She was the only one who could not see through “my” story I told even as my mind didn’t allow me to see the gaps. Instead of trying to calm me down and help she had my blood boiling way paste the safe zone.  She knew the buttons to push and slammed them down to the point that I felt I had to act now!!! I believed she was my only friend but Sue hid her true nature behind my neurons and now these slammed doors are a testimony to the path of destruction she pulled me through.

FOOTNOTE- Sometimes those who appear to support you the most in the short term are the ones who cause permanent harm in your mirror and the ones you’ve loved.

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