Kanye West- Bud Rebel Brother as well

Posted by Bruce - in arts and entertainment, Blog - No Comments

kanye-west-donald-trump kanye-west

Kanye West is my brother as well as he has rebelled against the culture elite by stating he supports President Trump without knocking anyone else down. While the haters will attack him from the left Kanye still smiles and speaks the truth as he sees it. A Bud Rebel   is not about being a jerk to others but being honest with yourself.  Become a Bud Rebel as well if not in politics then in any other area of your life by being an individual that is not afraid to be themselves even if they stand alone but still loves those who feel or act differently.

Retirement Resort – Investment

Posted by Bruce - in arts and entertainment, Blog, Business - No Comments

Mexico vacationFaith Vacation 2

Wouldn’t it be great to know that in your golden years that you’ll have a place that takes care of you as if you were on a long vacation.  A place with all the ammenities of first class hotel yet the care you need in your senior years. With a “RETIREMENT RESORT INVESTMENT” will make sure those years are full of gold star care and happiness.   Retirement Resorts will have locations and various options to choice to suit anyone with a bit more grey in their step. A matter of fact the facilities will be so desirable that those without the Gray hair will be happy to stay with you. RETIREMENT RESORT INVESTMENT an investment plan for the future where-ever it will take you.   

Murder in a House- The SHOW

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Broadway Show Rotating Floor

Imagine watching a show where the stage rotates so that every scene takes place in a different part of the house all building up to a murder you never saw coming. “MURDER IN THE HOUSE” would be such a show where scene changes would come at the rotation of the floor as you walk to the next room.  It would allow the viewer to see and experience a show in a whole different way where they also become part of the crime.   “MURDER IN THE HOUSE”, for it’s important to see the world and it’s destruction from all different angles.

A Quiet Place- 2019 Oscar…

Posted by Bruce - in arts and entertainment, Blog - No Comments

A Quiet Place 1 A Quiet Place 2

If my thesis on Oscar nominated films is correct “A Quiet Place” will be nominated for best movie of the year in 2019.   I say that even if it isn’t the best movie in the year to come because it has taken horror movies in a direction they have never gone before… “silence”.  Oscar’s are all about taking the art of film-making and putting it on a different canvas especially a canvas that is still P.C.   “A Quiet Place” is a fine and somewhat scary film with some scenes that jump out at you but there are also a few slow moments that probably could have been left out. It also would have added a new dimension if we understand a bit more of how this history of this tale occurred. Yet maybe that will be another reason it will be nominated for an Oscar because this film doesn’t need to.

*** – A Quiet Place- A well conceived horror film that should be scene by all those that love this genre if only to see something different.

[youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/WR7cc5t7tv8″]

Tracy Morgan FUNNIER

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Tracy Morgan Howard Stern  Tracy Morgan 2

While SNL portrayed one version of Tracy Morgan the real version is truly hilarious.  Let’s face it the caricature that Tracy Morgan played on this show became predictable and after a while a bit tiresome.  Yet his humor was unleashed on the Howard Stern show to show his rapid fire of jokes that lasted throughout the interview. Offending everyone and offending know one at the same time.   If only I knew Tracy Morgan was this funny in the past my laugh bone would have been in better shape today.

Jessica Jones

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Jessica Jones

Jessica Jones might be one of the greatest cinematographic achievements on Net Flix  today with the camera actually becoming a part of the action.  You can also add a whole bunch of stars to the performance of Krysten Ritter who is one of the most fascinating characters on any screen.  Even if sometimes you wonder if a scene is necessary or a bit too much you can’t stop watching for what will occur next.  Warning once you start watching it might be difficult to make any other plans.

**** Jessica Jones

FOOTNOTE-  Warning– Although I feel this show is great piece of art it definitely swings against many of my moral and political views and for those with similar views. It’s worth skipping these scenes trust me.

FOOTNOTE of FOOTNOTE – I will only add to my notes not delete them but after episode 6 and 7 I think this show has jumped the Shark and maybe my T.V habits. It’s falling fast from it’s original premise.

CORRECTION–    Episode 8 has made me feel bi-polar as I jumped with the Shark back into the series. It made up for many of the misses in the previous episode. I guess I’ll stay tuned.

CONCLUSION-  Season one well worth your time  even if you can’t fast forward some of the over the top, politically correct and boring scenes.  For the artist achievement is brilliant!!

Kathy Griffin- Let her work and ….

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Howard Stern Kathy Griffin Michael Richards

I still find Kathy Griffin’s “joke” concerning the President despicable enough not to repeat but that doesn’t mean I don’t believe she should be “blacklisted”.  I’m not going out to buy a ticket for any of her performances but I believe other adults can make there own decision on who they find entertaining and that mean’s people such as Michael Richards should be able to make a come back as well.  Talent does and says some completely stupid and reprehensible things but that’s what we can expect in a free society.  There should be some consequences for people that jump over the line such as Kathy Griffin and Michael Richards but blacklisting must not be one.  We have room in society to let everyone speak even those that we have to change the channel for.

FOOTNOTE-  After the interview on the Howard Stern I saw that Mrs. Griffin has no real remorse for her actions and claims that she is the victim another reason if I was given a $1000.oo to see her I’d lose the monies and I like profits. 

Shape of Water- Shape Of ****

Posted by Bruce - in arts and entertainment, Blog - No Comments

The Shape of Water

Shape Of Water really is the Shape of  ****.  I’ll let you fill in the word after this brief  film review. For this movie was brief in character development but weigh to lengthy in sex scenes with a water creature. Thank G-D I watched it home and could fast forward those moments which would make many hide their dogs or consider celibacy.  This movie was also as a predictable as finding a liberal at a Hollywood gathering.  Shape Of Water was well made with great costume design as well as had a decent flow but nothing worthy of a star here or there and definitely not best movie of the year unless you are personally a lizard thing.  Shape Of Water another reason to go for a swim when the Academy Awards is playing.

** 1/2 Shape of Water or Shape of ****

Telemarketers- RELIABLE -A SAD TRUTH

Posted by Bruce - in arts and entertainment, Blog - No Comments

waiting for phone call 1

It’s a sad truth but the most reliable person in one’s  life’s is the telemarketer who will call more regularly then one’s loved ones. A matter of fact you can be as nasty as you want to these individuals and don’t have to worry they’ll be so offended that they won’t call 10 more times in the day.  Even when we try to block their numbers they always find a way to get through. Makes you wonder could they be the one’s that love you the most after-all or do they just have your number?  Not really but maybe it’s time to actually go on that free trip after all.

Bored woman waiting for the phone to ring

Bored woman waiting for the phone to ring

Not Funny!?

Posted by Bruce - in arts and entertainment, Blog, television - No Comments

Trying to hold back laughter 1 Trying to hold back laughter 2

It’s “NOT FUNNY” will be the only show that “you shouldn’t be laughing too” but you probably will or slam it off.  For this show will take the most extreme, politically incorrect comedians from the left, right and way out there and put them on  the air to talk about today’s political stories with their incorrect tilt. This show will either be dead to you or have you dying for more.  It’s “NOT FUNNY” because maybe it just is.


Laughing 4

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