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If I told you I’m going to have $10,000 by saving a Penny a day you probably would say not in your lifetime. Yet that is exactly what the green deal is truly about. For even if the U.S stopped tomorrow using fossil fuel and went back to caveman time’s we would be that penny.  As the largest populations in the world (ex China, India etc) continue to use fossil fuel with no real end in sight.   Just as a penny lost doesn’t effect the bottom line neither would the green deal truly effect the overall environment just dry out our bank accounts instead.  Maybe we should use those pennies to grow more trees instead which would have a greater impact then throwing them down the drain.

FOOTNOTE- I personally choice to live a pretty green life in most aspects of my life.

A Little E.M

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I’m a visionary that has had my feet in shackles, put in a straight jacket and blindfolded yet with the help of some E.P  a finger or two has broken through. It is true that sometimes those visions have collapsed because I let myself be lead through the clouds rather then look up but other times a trap (ex T.S) was set and left a painful imprint.  I can’t tell you I’ll invent a new form of a hyperloop but with the tribe we are forming of E.P. and G-D’s grace we just might try.

FOOTNOTE- One hint you are an E.P.


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The media elites are on a tired campaign to destroy President’s Trump attempt for re-election. They will continue to throw out any negative innuendo about the President until November 3rd so that we are all ready to throw…   It doesn’t matter if there is a shred of truth the more you repeat different 1/2 and 1/4 truths the more people will get tired of hearing it and want a different story.  With the media and social elites working together the tired campaign will be enforced  throughout the air waves. Only if the American people can tune out and listen to the truth will the President prevail but in-between get ready for the tired campaign. Maybe it’s time for that nap after all.

Homeless Conquered 1, 2, 3

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It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to solve the homeless crisis gripping the Democrat controlled cities across this land just someone with guts and common sense. Here (below) are the first 3 ways we can all come out victorious especially those individuals dying in our streets. I apologize in advance if these  points were brought up in a previous blog but common sense should prevail over Harvard Degrees.

(1) LAWS & ENFORCEMENT-  If it’s not on the books then add it a few of these pages then enforce these laws strictly.


(2) ARRESTED PLEA BARGAIN HELP-  Individuals can plea bargain to either agree to go to a mental health, drug treatment facility or other type of living facility treatment center. If not they will be tried and sent to work camp for their own good.

(3) REAL ESTATE INCENTIVE-  Give incentives for real estate developers to build and maintain low income housing which could be less restrictions on luxury building development or even deferment on tax bills.


Baby Mueller

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I’m not talking to you ever again said Baby Mueller after his “final remarks” to the public about his “investigation” into (ha, ha, ha) Russian Collusion with the President. “No, no you can’t force me to speak”, said the baby. The baby thought you would pick on him so he put his hands over his mouth and ran out of the room.  Yet after the spotlight was pulled away from him and he was given the silent treatment he jumped at the subpoena which came his way. Baby Mueller will get his way again … that is unless the Republicans are mean to him and then he will storm out crying.

Thank You Governor Cuomo……

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The following people would like to thank Governor Cuomo and the NY Legislators….NOT

(1) Since all new construction has stopped  on renovating apartments due to your control we electricians, carpenters, painters want to thank you….NOT

(2) It appears I’ll be joining the unemployment line after working 20 years for a local hardware store because your formula’s has put this family business out for good. Thank you … NOT

(3) My apartment renovations I’ve dreamed of have come to a close as the Landlord has decided renovations are now not in the budget. Thank you-NOT

Your sudden over-regulations without any grandfather clause in effect is causing thousands upon thousands of NY’s to thank you NOT.  Let’s hope it continues during the election season to follow.


NY Landlord Victory =

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The landlords of NY should give the legislative s what “they want” as they twist the scenario. Since they made it extremely difficult to make $$’s in the rental market then make the tenants pay instead to own.  Convert the tenants rent to ownership in their apartment for how ever long it takes to own 30, 40, 50 year mortgages and let the banks and government take a hit if payment is not made in time. The landlords could then be the management agency if deemed so or just walk away from the expense of the upkeep as a whole. The landlords won’t have to deal with courts that continually stand against them, over-regulations and  keeping books till hell freezes over.  It’s what the legislators want and now let’s see if it’s what the citizens want as well?

New York Falling Down

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I used to live in a beautiful building until the NY State  legislation put their ugly fingers on it. For as they made it harder and harder for my landlord to even break even she couldn’t afford to stay.  The tenants weren’t able to pay for the necessary upkeep and NY start falling down, falling down.  Allowing the landlord the ability to make the changes needed to keep a building moving  forward with the marketplace were not the course those in power sought and now this is no fair lady.

A Little Older

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Last night I got a bit older as anxiety played a bigger role in this part of my life then normal. As a loved one didn’t return my call after an extended period of work all types of fear entered my head and expanded the wrinkles as well as gray hair.  Normally, I calmly think logically based on the type of person who acts or doesn’t act but yesterday all the horror movie thoughts came in my head at once.  Yet today is a new day and I plan to go to the fountain of youth (or gym) to make sure those gray hairs and wrinkles go away or at least stay hidden for G-D willing a  few more years to go.

Killed Dream

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The NY State legislation has killed my dream! For I invested my life saving in a rental building believing that as an owner I would be able to control my destiny not have the state decide it for me. I took out a loan based on the reality that when a tenant left an apartment I could modify as the market dictated not some government bureaucrat trying to control my destiny. What makes it even harder is now the records I keep must be kept to infinite and beyond as the statue of limitations has been wiped off the books as well. I think a thief does better in this state then a person trying to make an honest living.

FOOTNOTE- Sorry to say this story is being told in many small  family residents all across the once great state of New York. Now just trying to be good if the government would give us back our rights.

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