True Royality

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Kohen 1

It’s time for a reunion of real royalty the “Kohen” who not only wore special clothes but had the whole world on their shoulders. For the Kohen’s were the judges in the Holy Temple and offered the ritual sacrifices demanded by G-D that kept us all around even today. They didn’t conquer and kill people but through faith observance were able to bring us together instead.  Kohen’s exist from all different countries but have been separated over time. The Kohen reunion needs to occur so that these people can be trained about the rituals of the past, build more a cohesive unit/structure and plan for a future should the holy temple be built in our lifetime.  A true royalty exists and it’s time they come back together.

Meghan Markle & Prince Harry- NO!

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Meghan Markle Prince HarryThomas Jefferson 1 King George III

 No this wedding can’t proceed! Our heads are truly spinning about this announcement!  I, Thomas Jefferson who was held in treason for demanding American freedom is now witnessing this heresy from the grave.   Me and “Mr Jefferson” don’t agree on much but this disgrace to the crown must be stopped you can not marry this traitor. Nor marry this dictator we will not be subject to the crown every again.  I understand that times have changed a bit so our years of war have now turned into countries of true friendship which makes our bones brittle enough but lovers can you bury us any deeper?!

Thank You-Tucker Carlson

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Tucker Carlson 2

Tucker Carlson has officially been added to my hero list by openly stating the pain he felt when he was falsely accused of a serious crime.  This was an extremely brave move especially in the climate that we are in to state the simple truth “Innocent before proven guilty”. Where the media has indicted individuals who hide the identity of the accuser but showcase headlines of those who are accused.  Where does someone go to get their reputation back. Thank you Tucker Carlson for allowing us who are falsely accused the format to state our case and pain as well.

Falsely Accused Show

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closing-of-prison-door-1 Prisoner 3

They been accused of a crime and although they have been proven innocent the pain and stigma never truly goes away. How have these individuals dealt with the trauma as it was unfolding and how do they deal with it today? Are there lasting effects that linger on and what can be done to make sure that in the future “Innocent until Proven Guilty” aren’t just empty words. Falsely Accused will explore in depth this topic with names you’ve heard of and one’s you will never forget.

Tony Danza =Vanilla Pudding

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Tony Danza 1Tony Danza 3

I took my family to see the Tony Danza show and all they0 saw was Vanilla Pudding.  Tony Danza didn’t take an daring moves in music, dance or even dialogue during his show and this left the family wanting to get some new ice cream flavor0 instead.  I enjoyed the show if only because it didn’t take me to the edge but to the center instead but I was alone in these feelings.  It wasn’t brilliant but it was fun for at least those who enjoyed a peaceful, happy Vanilla Pudding show.

Cyber Monday- It’s not IF but HOW MUCH

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Cyber Monday's cyber-monday

The question this Monday is not if you will buy but how much you will? For how can someone resist a sale that comes straight to their keyboard and only takes an enter key to have it come their way.  “Cyber Monday” is a great way to start the week until Tuesday comes and you realize that you have to work the entire week(s) to pay for this joyful day.

Best deals on Cyber Monday According to Forbes

Best deals on Cyber Monday According to CNET

Wealthy Wins

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Why Wealthy wealthy 1

As I listened to Mark Cuban’s story on how he became a billionaire I wish I could tell you my envy gene’s were in check but after realizing what he created I understand why he travels in Cessna 680 while I’m lucky to get squeezed between the seats.. For the creation of many of today’s billionaires are truly incredible and effect us all in our daily life’s.  From computer programs we use on a daily basis to the social media networks that allow us to speak to the world these billionaires are in our life’s and we are in theirs… at least our wallets. So let them enjoy their life’s of luxury for their creations have made our life’s more luxurious then we could probably have even imagined and or built…”Ok Google/Alexa.

Character VS Quality

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Quality Character 2

With sexual harassment popping off in all different works of our life. It opens up the debate of Quality VS Character.  Whether this concerns issues on or off one’s work schedule and the behavior they practice in our out of such settings.  Where one decides that the quality of someone’s work must be let go because their  character doesn’t hold to the “standards of society and/or business model”.  For example do you kick out a top heart specialist ready to perform a major surgery because they had poor bedside matters? Maybe not but how about a top anesthesiologist who used “the gas” occasionally for personal reasons. The lines will be examined more carefully for getting those with great quality and character in certain fields might appear harder then expected and therefore we might suffer on both ends.

KEY words

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Key 1keys to door

I realized it’s not how much you say but the words you use which will stay in another’s heart especially one in pain.  Here are just a few you should include in almost any conversation. They might appear basic but too many times we reach for a new key when the most obvious one’s are in our own hands. Sometimes the best keys to life give others the power to open up their own doors instead bang against one.

I UNDERSTAND- These two words of empathy open a whole new world of listening even if you weren’t paying as close attention as you should.

THAT’S DIFFICULT- Sharing one’s pain can help them share your own pain and even thoughts on the subject.

I’M SORRY-  This doesn’t have to be a direct connect to your own guilt but connect to someone else’s mind and soul.

I’M HERE- You will  notice the  ‘I’s” are key for they let the other notice that you are still there for them. 


Proud of – YOU

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 What do you believe most would give you a standing ovation for?  What is the achievement you believe you are most deserving can be quite different from the world’s perspective. For you can conquer the world but those most closest to you will reflect on how you had an impact on their life 1st.  The big $$, Power and Fame may appear to be the key to your success but the larger impact you have on those closest to you may truly hold your legacy.  A perfect example of this is Rance Howard who had an incredible legacy in the film industry but is best remembered by his son Ron as a great father and friend.  The standing ovation for Rance came less frequent as he aged in time but it appears his  family will stand with his pride way after his passing.

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