Bud -The FUTURE for me and maybe you

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The Future

As much as a person can actually plan their future  (for only G-D knows our true path) these are the options (below) I’m working on achieving. Who knows maybe there is a path for me to achieve them all or maybe my current path is where I’m station to be.  I’ve also listed the benefits and negatives of each path.

(1) **PRODUCE A NEW FEATURE FILM**– I have the talent and scripts to formulate a project that will truly be outstanding and a piece of art that will last many a lifetime.

POSITIVE-  It’s exciting to see a part of your mind on the big screen.  I also have talented family members and friends that will have the opportunity to showcase their wonderful skills to the world.

NEGATIVE- Must locate a Producer who can utilize the network I’ve created along with their network to help finance this project. In todays markets even the greatest film projects are having difficulty returning their investment and where do we go after this.

(2) **VIDEO & MUSICAL PRODUCTION**– We are looking at organizing a video a musical production facility that will produce Hollywood/NYC/Nashville type work without the increase cost of producing this wonderful art.

POSITIVE- I have the talent that can do this work and have started the process of looking into locations.

NEGATIVE- Putting all the pieces together to make it profitable can be more time consuming and difficult then projected plus it’s not as exciting as route 1.  It also is a lifetime commitment when many people can’t even make it to work the next day.

(3)**BREAKFAST CAFE** I have one of the most exciting concept breakfast restaurants that I would love to bring to the world.

POSITIVE- It’s a breakfast restaurant so the hours of operation will be easily managed and what is cooking will open up the taste buds.

NEGATIVE- Restaurant businesses are very fickle and I need to find the right partner to put this project together. A partner that will understand that I’ll put in the capital and creativity while they’ll put in much of the sweat with a few tears (they’ll have to cut the onions).


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