Vote For all -CNBC Presidential Debate

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Political - No Comments

Republican Presidential Candidates


After watching the CNBC Presidential Debates I’ve decided my best vote is “all the above”.  I see good and bad in each candidate so why don’t they just share. Monday could be Marco Rubio’s chance to be Commander in Chief and then he could pass the buck to Donald Trump on Tuesday. There’s 5 days a week so we can continue to rotate the leadership. It would truly screw up our adversaries because they wouldn’t know what to expect when Carly Fiorina says something on Wednesday will Ted Cruz will follow up on Thursday? Come to think of it this might confuse our allies as well. We’ll have to work out the details later I guess. Anyway this way everyone wins and gets to play in the “White House” together. It’s just too confusing for me to pick someone right now but here are a few  quick highlights (below) of last nights debate.

NICE DONALD TRUMP- Donald Trump showed the truly Presidential side of his campaign by actually being kind to his competitors on stage.

MARCO RUBIO FIGHTS BACK- Jeb Bush and the media looked silly as they tried to  attack Rubio on issues that they wouldn’t launch on those in the left or more liberal Republicans

TED CRUZ THROUGH SOME GREAT UPPER CUTS- The moderators had to change the tone of the debate after Ted Cruz landed some great hits.

CARLY FIORINA SMILED & INTERUPPTED-  Her remarks appeared to prepared this time around but her smile was authentic.


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