2016 President & Cabinet

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments

2016 Presidential Election

While many are focusing on the Presidential Election I’ve decided to go a step further and add several cabinet picks as well with a brief reason why I’ve made this selection. I’ve only added a few cabinet picks because they’re are a ridiculous amount of cabinets. Please share your comments.

1. PRESIDENTMarco Rubio– Competence, Virtue & Image to not only win the election but be a successful administrator.

Strong back up- Scott Walker

2. VICE PRESIDENT Nikki Haley– A truly competent choice that could take over in a heartbeat if G-D forbid something happens to the President

back up- John Kasich

3. DEPARTMENT OF STATEMichael Huckabee– He would insure our country stood on morale grounds

4. DEPARTMENT OF TREASURYMitt Romney– Extremely competent especially for this position.

5. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICETed Cruz– Just watching the liberals eye’s light up will be worth this pick plus nobody will protect constitution freedom better then Mr. Cruz.

6. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSEJohn Mccain– A wartime hero who understands the responsibilities of our military

7. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORRick Perry– An effective administrator who ran one of the biggest states in the union gives him the talents to run this office.

8. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCEMitt Romney-He deserved to win in 2012 so why not give him 2 cabinet positions.

9. DEPARTMENT OF LABORScott Walker– He understands the true plight of the American worker.

10. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENTDonald Trump– Finally something will be accomplished with public housing.

11. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITYRand Paul– He’ll insure we are protected from outside our country as well as inside our government

12. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONBen Carson– What a great example of a man who was able to pull himself up to the top through education.

13. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGYSarah Palin– She’ll insure that we are truly energy independent.

14. DEPARTMENT OF VETERAN AFFAIRSAllen West– A true patriot who will work to make sure our fellow patriots are truly protected.

15. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONJeb Bush– A Governor who kept one of our largest states running smoothly surely can keep our roads are airfields running smoothly.

16. DEPARTMENT OF SMALL BUSINESSRick Santorium– In 2012 he showed how a small campaign can turn into a true race for the Presidency and therefore realizes the value of how a small business can truly make a difference.

17. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY DIRECTORBobby Jindal– An effective administrator during one of the worst environmental disasters is suited for directing this office.

18.OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT & BUDGETNewt Gingrich & John Kasich– They had the greatest impact on the last time our budget was balanced and would be effective in having this occur again.

19. UN AMBASSADORBill Clinton– He’s loved on the world stage so let’s keep him there.

20. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATORHerman Cain– He is an effective business person who could add an aspect of business to this administration.

21. DRONE ENFORCER– (New Position)- Barrack Obama– This is the one job he’s done well.

22. UNITED STATES TRADE REPRESENTATIVEHillary Clinton- She was able to turn a $1000 cattle investment into $100,000 I’m sure she could make some good deals on behalf of the United States.

23. AMBASSADOR TO IRELAND-Joseph R. Biden– He may not be the sharpest screw in the tool box but he’s got a great smile.

24. AMBASSADOR TO ITALYAndrew Cuomo– Just to get him out of NY would be a good enough reason.

23. AMBASSADOR TO ISRAEL Bud Rebel– I truly care about the Protection of our greatest Ally and want a peace that will last.

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