What if this works?

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

money 2jimmy kimmel

What if this blog post becomes viral? If it became so popular that I’m invited to speak at lectures, write for a major magazine, have my scripts sold for untold amounts and even appear on Jimmy Kimmel.  Truth be told one out of the five would be amazing.  How would my life truly change?

What would that do to my psyche? Would I become complacent and sit on the glory or would I be so worried with what I was writing that I’d have writers stop? Could my ego become so big that I float above the common air with my large nose looking at the clouds or would I get it fixed so only a small nose would be looking that way? Would my writings become bland only to try to keep the helium running or would I dare to create a whole new vector with the success I’ve achieved.

I believe that I would withstand the pressure and hype because of the faith I cling too, like my guns. This faith tells me that whatever occurs in my life I can baste in some glory but that it’s truly only because G-D allows that to occur. I might have goals that I seek to accomplish but it is only a blueprint that I work on that must be approved before it truly can be built and this work can be stopped at a moments notice or going to heights never before seen.  Yet through it all I’m still on that ground looking up to the one who’s given me all.

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