Wall Street Review – Weekend Edition-April 26th

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

Wall Street Journal


This week I focused a great deal of time on certain articles because they peaked my interest. They are noted with a * next to them.

(1) * The brother of Afghan leader Hamid Karzai owns several restaurants in the U.S. but is still active in Afghan politics.

(2) * The two different Popes who will become Saints on Sunday aren’t easily labeled Conservative or Liberal as many have portrayed.

(3)  A book has been written concerning the history of Micro-Brewing and the rivalry between those who are really small and those moving up the ladder.

(4) The U.S. and it’s allies are having a difficulty time agreeing on sanctions on Russia due to it’s incursion in the Crimea.

(5) Syria has removed 90 % of the Chemical Weapons according to inspectors.

(6) North Korea is holding an American against their will.

(7) An Anarchist group claimed responsibility for a bombing in Greece.

(8) The Philippines is more open to the U.S Navy then it has been in years due to conflicts with China.

(9) * A Jewish Conductor and Pope John had a friendship that lasted decades and was very fruitful for both men.

(10) A Ukraine Official wrote a commentary on how Russia is breaking their agreement that they signed in Geneva.

(11) Science continues to show that Depression is an illness like Diabetes that people can’t easily escape without proper medical care.

(12) * Fears of scarcity are wiped out with innovation.

(13) * The price of Gold has risen to $1300.

(14) *The internet makes it easy to set up your own “Dog Hotel” for the weekend.

(15) A new snack place has opened up in Tribeca.

(16) Farmers are using stronger herbicide to kill weeds.

(17) Top Financial Advisers are betting on Mid Cap stocks such as Frontier Communications and Mannkind.

(18) Custom Van owners continue to meet but those meetings are a bit more conservative then in previous years as many of the owners bring their families to such gathering.s

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