Relationship Addiction

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Health, Philosophy - No Comments

relationship addiction

#Relationship #Addiction #Love #Hate

Most relationships are healthy but some can be as addictive as Heroin and the result as deadly. The individuals tied to such a relationship will exhibit many of the same traits as an addict and the withdrawal will be just as painful.  Just like a drug addict there are certain individuals that are more prone to become a relationship addict and there is usually a breaking period which brings on the addiction. Here are a few of the similarities (below) between the two.

(1) Relationship Addicts will get in a relationship even though they know it’s not good for them. They might have seen others fall from this relationship but they think that they are special and can deal with it.

(2) These individuals will get an incredible high just by being in this relationship that might lesson over time or even end but they will keep it going just to avoid feeling sick.

(3) They will do things because there in this relationship that they never thought they would stoop too. Spend monies they don’t have or commit acts that would bring shame to their name.

(4) The withdrawal from such a  relationship will be extremely painful and there mind might make them believe that it’s not over.

(5) Suicide or Murder can result with the final ending of such a relationship.


Hollywood’s mean machine

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

small vs big

# hollywood, #abuse,


Hollywood is truly the most abusive factory in the world of human emotions. In no other industry does a person fall from the street of gold to the street then this industry.  The majority of their labor force never makes it the A list which has a special privileges that aren’t seen in the “underclass”.  A, B rated star (the majority) has a life that goes up and down like a rollercoaster and may get a position not on their true talent but on who they know or how they know them.  If you want to get further up in that industry many will throw their values down and step up on anyone along the way.

This is why I believe the majority of the individuals in it are liberal. They see on a daily basis the greed of those that cling to the top and are more empathic to those that have fallen or even been stepped on even by them. Many are dreamers who imagine a world which is not based on reality but their own hopes and aspirations. Others don’t want to distance themselves from the culture they are in because they fear that will only give the industry another reason to slam the door. Hollywood truly is a mean machine that takes only a few and leaves the rest dreaming for more.

Small will prevail

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small vs big

#Small business # David vs Goliath


Maybe it’s because I’m only 5’6″ but I believe that the small business will always play a prominent role in the business world.  When businesses become large they lose that personal touch that small businesses bring to the consumer.  Many become distant from the true needs of their consumer and have to hire a research time to realize what is truly going on at the ground level while the small business sits right in that spot.  Here are just a few advantages (below) that enable David to continue to beat Goliath.

(1)  Flexibility- Small businesses can bend the rules a bit when it comes to guarantees, discounts, deliveries, closing hours

(2) Personal Touch- Here is a place that truly knows not only your name but your wife and kids. They aren’t just interested in selling a product but building a relationship with the customer.

(3) Ownership- In a small business people know who to blame and it doesn’t get shoved through layer and layer of bureaucracy.

(4) Action- A small business can adapt to a situation that occurs at a quicker pace then those at the larger company since they’re aren’t as many layers to go through.

A real global warming fear.

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, food, funny - No Comments



I have been pretty much an agnostic when it comes to the issue of Global Warning.  I don’t have the scientific knowledge to dispute either point and have seen plenty of credible facts on both sides of the issue.  Either way I still don’t believe we as a nation should refrain from being energy efficient because of possible threats in the future when the threat of our dependency is real today. I also understand the politics on both sides that are utilizing their powers to try to convince the public.

In my personal life I see no reason to burn up more CO2 then I need so I make sure my lights are off and do much of that greeny stuff but nothing over the weeds (green weeds get it). That was until a threat was posed to major bone in my body (see below) “my chocolate bone”.  This scare is even more horrible then seeing Al Gore naked.  I might have to become a “chocolate prepper”

Click why Global Heating hits my chocolate bone.


Defacto Amnesty

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Political - No Comments



Many of my friends are against “Immigration Reform” because they don’t want to reward those who came here illegally but that is what is occurring here now and we are all losing from it.  Today millions of illegal immigrants are working in this country at below minimum wages which takes those jobs away from naturalized citizens. Today illegal immigrants are going to our schools, hospitals and driving on our roads all without paying the same taxes or ussuary fees  as our citizens. The truth of the matter no politician is going to go ahead and have them kicked out of the country. If you  found a politician that took such a stance and could actually do something about it  they would have to find a new job before the next political cycle. We need to find common ground on this issue or we will continue to have this same policy enduring to the determent of our all citizens legal and  illegal. I HAVE A SOLUTION BUT I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU FIRST.


Imagine one extra soul.

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

holding hands

If we all took in one extra soul what a world it would be.  If we befriended just one lost individual so that they could get back on their feet then maybe that individual would help change one other individual and so on and so on.  I know there are plenty of individuals who because of their own poor choices put themselves into the shoes. For these their only hope might be tough love where they must find a path out for themselves.   Yet we all know individuals who with  little guidance can rebuild their life again.

Let’s start by looking within our own families. Maybe it’s  a lost cousin, aunt or uncle who just needs a little support emotional, spiritual or even financially.  It could be a person who used to go to your Church or Shul but left because of despair. Let’s find a way to lend a helping hand now because we one hand can save a soul and without who knows maybe even the world.

Why the silence?

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In one of the countries that we are supposed to have good relationship with a young woman is on death row basically because she’s a Christian (see attached). How can we continue to sit by and watch the persecution of those with Christian beliefs or any other beliefs? Where is the outrage? Where are the protest?  As a person of the Jewish faith I’m one voice that won’t stay silent. It’s time that mutual respect of faith be demanded by the world community.  When you persecute one of G-D’s children you persecute us all. Stand up for religious liberty!

Click to find another example of Christian persecution

Learning to be cold

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

cold hearted

It is one of the toughest lessons in business and life but there are times you must be cold.  When one is trying to get work done they must be willing to delegate some of that work to others who aren’t that enthusiastic (being polite) with there new work assignment.  They may claim it’s unfair or I just get paid to look pretty but it’s up to convince them otherwise even at the point of drawing a line that sticks.  You may not be popular at times but you will be respected and more importantly you will get the task done efficiently and without killing yourself.

Puppy tells you to get up.

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, funny - No Comments

puppy wake up


When your puppy tells you it’s time to get up  you get up unless you don’t mind a present in the morning. The problem is the puppy might tell you to get up again and again and….(you get the point).  There so cute and cuddly when they lick your face and play but not so at 3AM in the morning.  In the end this little creature takes over until sleep becomes a thing you only dreamed about but did I mention they are so cute.

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