
Posted by Bruce - in Blog, food, funny - No Comments


The New Girl wow

That’s right you have a reason to be excited. After 30 years of battling to get my Apple Pie right this year it finally came true.  Not to be arrogant but the crust was great, the apples were awesome and best of all it was an Apple Pie not an Apple Soup.  The problem is I’m not sure what caused this great victory. Was it the hand of G-D or maybe it was the miracle of when Hanukkah and Thanksgiving were set on the same day? I hope it wasn’t the later because then I’ll have to wait another few thousand years for this to occur again.

Be prepared for Black Friday

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, investments - No Comments


It’s a daunting task to figure where to go for Black Friday. It can be at times  quite overwhelming and even scary (if you’re a wimp) to decide where to go.  Therefore I’ve listed some sites (below) that might make your trip less frightening. Please remember to go Friday not Thursday everybody deserves to spend this special day with their family.

Click to see some great and maybe not so great coupons

Click for top ranked black Friday deals

Thanksgiving- A personal look

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, funny - No Comments

family thansgiving

I want to share with you some of the memories good, bad and ugly of Thanksgiving as well as past, present and G-D willing future Thanksgiving.

(1) BLACK TURKEY- I love all people’s but I don’t like my Turkey black and one year we used the deep fryer to cook our turkey. Well let’s just say it was very crispy.

(2) FALLING TURKEY- Make sure your table is secure before placing your turkey on it.  Trust me even dead turkeys have a way to come to life.

(3) CUTTING KNIFE- I was completely prepared until my electric knife decided it was time to go back to a more ancient time where there was no electricity.

(4) APPLE PIE SOUP- Yes I continue to make apple pie every year although some say it’s apple soup because it gets a bit watery. This year new secret ingredients have been added to insure it is not soupy…. I think

(5) PREPARATION- We are rockin and ready to go!  We worked on this event for several days and put it in 4th gear last night. The guest will see great food. I just hope it taste that way.


Happy Thanksgiving

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - 1 Comments

family thansgiving

I pray that G-D grants you all a wonderful, peaceful and tasty Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving means so much to me because it’s a chance for all American’s to be with their loved one’s and take a moment to reflect on the gifts they have been given.  We spend way too much time finding ways to separate each other let’s find one day to bring each other closer. Have  great Thanksgiving!

Political Power!

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments

we the people

It’s time that elected officials understand who pays their checks! It’s time that they are held responsible for their actions! In other words if you promise something and don’t deliver then we need to get a new delivery man/woman (no excuses apply here). This goes for Democrats, Republicans, Liberals, Conservatives or a combination of the above, the American people aren’t suckers!

That’s why I’m pleading with my Liberal and Democratic friends to make a statement this electoral cycle and don’t vote for their party. I know it might be extremely difficult to vote for a Republican because of your philosophical differences therefore vote for a third party or don’t vote at all (just in this cycle).  This might seem extreme but your party has lied to you (see examples below) and you need to tell them you’re mad as hell and you won’t take it anymore! We on the other side must be willing to make the same statement should our party come to power and blatantly lie. It’s time the power comes back to the people not the government elite.

(1) If you like your health insurance you can keep it (5 million have lost their health insurance 80 million are expected in the coming year(s))

(2) Your health insurance cost will go down by signing this bill

(3) This bill will not increase the deficit by one nickel. Maybe that wasn’t a lie it was a nickel but billions.

etc, etc, etc – Please note that your representatives were in charge of reading the bill before they signed the bill.


Avoiding an explosion

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Solutions - No Comments

ready to explode

Sometimes events during the day can make you feel like you want to explode. It could be a toxic person that continues to push your buttons or problems that continue to build up it’s a wonder you’re sane at all.  In times like these we need steps to insure that one act of anger doesn’t destroy all the good work(s) that we’ve done in the past. Here are some helpful tips.

(1) MINOR TREMORS- Don’t bottle all your emotions but let them seep out little but little during the day. Make sure each tremor is a separate event that doesn’t build on another.

(2) BREAK-TIME- Take a break it will get done and everyone deserves a few minutes to reflect. If you can’t sneak out go to the bathroom and read a book, listen to music or just mediate.

(3) LAUGH ABOUT IT- Find a way to laugh about what’s going on even in your head. It’s crazy how a little humor can lighten things up.

(4) MAYBE TEST- Realize that this just is a difficult moment and maybe you’re being tested from G-D above. You’ve got through hard moments like this and you will get through this.

(5) PRAY- Ask G-D for guidance and support during this difficult time. Pledge that in return you will try to be a better person in someway. It’s amazing how a little pray can go a long way.

Strange happenings at Lionsgate

Posted by Bruce - in arts and entertainment, Blog - 3 Comments

hunger games

I was shocked to find that my stock purchase of “Lionsgate” fell and this was  after “Catching Fire” had the sixth biggest weekend of all-time. I heard of hyping expectations but I believe this is a bit ridiculous and I found that I’m not the only one (see link below).  The stock has risen today and I expect it will continue as the results from this  movie continue to grow.

Click to see why Forbes agrees with me.

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