Being an individual in a world of conformist

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IndividualIt is difficult to be an individual when those around you whether family, friends or society just want you to conform. The confront one feels when agreeing to  the pact mentality is quite enticing. Those that go along may reap the benefits of those that hold the keys to power.  Sometimes that Rebel has no true cause but just wants to show their distinct personality but yet what appears to be foolish to others is quite deep in it’s nature.  If you are that type of individual there are some key ways to exist among the conformity of the world around you.

1) Understand why you believe the way you do and also understand why others don’t.

2) Try to be respectful of those even if they’re not respectful of you.

3) Find topics of agreement with others that don’t share your rebel nature.

4) Give an inch or even a foot but not a mile.

5) Love and respect other individuals that stand out from the crowd

6) Understand that you make this world more exciting and interesting for the rest of us.

7) No that others might hate you for being that individuals but others will secretly if not publicly respect for standing strong.

8) Love yourself as G-D loves you for being the distinct individual that the Lord has created.

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